About Me

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Hello and welcome to my blog. I am a scrapbook hoarder. I love to scrapbook and I hope that I can offer some inspiration to you and get inspiration from your blogs as well.
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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012

I am looking forward to this New Year. I have been waiting for 2011 to end so that I could feel like I had a new slate to start from. I have New Year's Resolutions like weight loss, exercising, keeping up with my blog, doing crafts more frequently but I think one of my biggest ones will be to try and meet more people. I don't have any "friends" per se, just a few acquaintances so I am looking for a new friend. Someone that I can hang out with, do crafts, laugh with and get through the bumpy times with. Let's hope that 2012 brings me a great friend.

Happy New Year to All of You!!!